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Forum Posts

STM32F3 HSE crystal startup issues

We are using an STM32F303VEH6 on a custom design. We are using a ILCX13-FF5F10-16.000MHZ crystal oscillator. We have the PLL and clock gain setup to generate a 72 MHz CPU clock. On some CPUs we have problems where the CPU doesn't appear to try and st...

nlbutts by Associate II
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On the fly OTA example

Hi,I am working on STM32 with Quectel GPRS module.Now I have to implement OTA without using any external flash or SD card.Is there any example for GPRS based OTA without using any external memory to park the bin/hex file and program the MCU flash on ...

SBS.1 by Associate
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How to use timer1 for pwm input

I use STM32F103c6 timer1 for pwm input . after right config in cubemx, and in simulink enable timer1 ch1 interrupt. Then auto code gen, but code in Keil the ch1 interrupt not enable, its callback not registered, the timer also not started. Want to kn...

PYong.2 by Associate II
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L031K6 : ADC value is not similar as real value

I get 12bit ADC data from DMA multi channel.and when I get it , I use this formula to get ADC measure.​adc input (0-4095) * 3300 / 4095 ​but This result usually have different from real measurement, about 100-200mV.In that case, Is there better way t...

DU2 by Associate II
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Resolved! MQTT using STM32L0

Posted on December 29, 2017 at 13:54Hello everyone, I am trying to use MQTT protocol on my STM32 board with SIM7000 as slave. if anyone had worked in such fashion, please can you share code snippets or library file used?? Is there any generalized li...