RM0440, Rev 4, STM32G4 Reference Manual - Section 13.6.1 information missing
Page 435, the explanation for Bits 28:24 ends with "(see )."This is a real cliff hanger! ;^)
Page 435, the explanation for Bits 28:24 ends with "(see )."This is a real cliff hanger! ;^)
Hi.I am using stm32cubeide version 1.2.0. I am using stm32CubeMx version 5.6.1.The "int _write (int file, char * ptr, int len)" function is not called when the printf ("test") function is called.What did you do:1. Added to Properties ---> c / c ++ ...
Hello!I am trying to read data by QSPI (MCU STM32F722VC). But QSPI always reads out the last value written to DR register by previous operation and does not read data from data lines. For exapmle, DR value is 0xAA from previous write operation. Then ...
In STM32CubeG4 Firmware Package, the G474 digiatal power demo use a FMAC to contol a buck or boost toplogy with one voltage control loop.So if I want to use two loops,one for voltage and other for current loop, could the FMAC(in my opinion,that is j...
Actually i got the project on modbus but i am trying to code without using libraries but i am not getting expected result. can anyone help me with this and what extra line i need to add in my code please.Thank you
I am using i2c ,arduino as master and stm32l073RZ as slave.When I transmit from arduino(master) to slave(st) via i2c.I am getting correct values.But when I slave transmit from st the first byte received in arduino-master is ffffffff,the other bytes a...
Hello,I'm some confused how external interrupt is working with GPIO. If PA3 and PB3 are both configured as external interrupt, and assume the two interrupts are not coming simultaneously, how to determine which PIN generates the interrupt when EXTI3 ...
I've been using the following two bit timings for a CAN bus speed of 500K on the STM32F103. I was just wondering which is better? Does it make any difference? Is there another preferred option? Thanks a lot for any insight. //(1+9+8)*4 = 72 //1+9+...
the target type is stm32f072, firstly the master transmit data success, slave receive data ok; should i need to disable spi ,enable BIDIOE in slave. but the slave can't transmit data, how to solve it?
Hello Everybody,I am using the STM32H743ZI chip with STM32CubeIde. I have been having success with my code running in debug mode with the debugger attached. however when I power off the board and start it up there is a problem when the program start ...