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half-duplex spi slave can't transmit datas

i used stm32f031 as master & slave, NSS is alwasy low, connect MOSI and MISO. the master transmit datas successfull then changing the master direction to receive data( SPI->CR &=~SPI_CR1_BIDIOE), at the same time slave recv and try to transmit data...

Jseyn.1 by Associate III
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Trying to learn the STcube/HAL-interfaces on a NUCLEO-F446RE but got stuck at a very basic level. To control a pin (LED) worked well but trying to read the button-pin (PC13) doesn't seem to work. Though an example with interrupt on that pin work. See ex.

 HAL_Init(); SystemClock_Config();// Configure the system clock to 180 MHz __HAL_RCC_GPIOA_CLK_ENABLE(); GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_13; GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT; GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL; HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStr...

RLind.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! F4 and F7 SPI CLK waveform

During testing an SPI DAC (TI DAC8563) on an STM32F446RE (where it works) and on an STM32F767ZI (where output is always 0V), I noticed a different SPI clock waveform.In F4 you have three "8 pulses" signals from CLK (the message from MOSI is 24 bit), ...

0693W000004J8AmQAK.png 0693W000004J8B1QAK.png

HRTIM v2 - PWM higher than 16 bits

I'm using HRTIM to generate 16 bit duty cycle PWM on a G474, it works nicely.How can I configure the HRTIM to do more than 16 bit duty cycle?I've read the HRTIM cookbook and had a look at what configuration options are available in the HAL. I was hop...

Mac by Associate
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Resolved! timer clock

I am using STM32H743ZI2. I am confused timer internal clock. In F4, I can easily find which clock to control which timer, in h7 series manual, I can't find it easily. anybody knows that?