I'm trying to run SPI2 (Master Receive Only) such that it continuously DMAs data from the slave. The problem is, it only works when I step over the HAL_SPI_Receive_DMA line... at which point I see SCLK, and it will run forever, until I "resume" th...
Im trying to reduce power by putting the a STM32l031 to sleep between timer interupts. It goes to sleep but never wakes upvoid HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef * htim) { if (htim -> Instance == TIM21) { Strobe++; if (Strobe==8352){ ...
I'm trying to generate a cascade of DMAs:1) HRTIM trigger ADC. 2) On ADC conversion completion, DMA ADC results to memory.3) On ADC DMA transfer complete, DMA memory to different peripheral.When a DMA occurs, the DMA request multiplexer generates bot...
I am unable to communicate with the MCU via UART (115200 bit/s). It looks like the program inside MCU is not running. I think the problem can be probably in not running LSE 32.768kHz crystal oscillator.Is it possible to enable LSE clock on PA8 if I h...
Hi there,I am trying to do some digital signal processing on a STM32G031F6 by interfacing an SPH0645 MEMS microphone via I²S. I'm running into strange issues however, that I haven't been able to solve in the last few days. I am switching to an analog...
Hello.Very frequently I end up chasing problems that not suppose to be in first place.Here is example ( making 32b counter of 16b by counting overflows)volatile void Delay_ms(uint32_t ms) // delay in ms { time = 0; time_start = LPTIM2->CNT; o...
Just started to migrate to the ARM compiler 6 and I noticed __weak is incompatible language extension in this version and it needs to be written __attribute__((weak)).In STM32F4 HAL Drivers and almost all of the STM32 MCUs, there are lots of function...
Hi all,is it possible to use the same GPIO-pin as Timer external trigger and falling edge external interrupt.I'd like to create an application in which a rising edge on a GPIO starts a timer that sets an output for, say 2ms. After this time, another ...
Hello.I'm trying to use SPI interface in STM32F051r8t6 micro on my STM32F0 discovery board. I got it to send data, but I set data lenght to 8bit, it is sending double that (first 8 is my data, but second 8 bit is always 0x00). When I set it to 4-bit,...