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Forum Posts

Resolved! RTC backup registers after power off and on

Hi ST Community,I am using the RTC on the STM32l100RBT6 µC to display the date and time every hour. It is battery powered and therefore at some point i would have to change the batteries, therefore, the µC will lose power. I have thought of using the...

Resolved! Powering the 32L476GDISCOVERY board via USB USER

Hello all,I am trying to get started with a STM32DISCO board, like described here:, I can't get it powered.I use the USB USER connector to power it with my laptop.SB set...

NDecr.1 by Associate
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No clock signal on PA5 bit(SPI1-SCK)

Hello,I'm learning to use the SPI module. I'm using an STM32F446RET development board. I want to configure the SPI1 module and send some message 'out into the world'(this means I only have one master devices which sends some bytes and no slave to rec...

PPopo by Senior
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Resolved! HAL_I2C_Mem_Write_DMA sends only one byte

The blocking version (HAL_I2C_Mem_Write) works nicely, now I'm trying to use HAL_I2C_Mem_Write_DMA. Here are the settings as given in the configuration tool.The resulting code generated by the configurator (I removed some comments for brevity):static...

0693W000004IGU0QAO.png 0693W000004IGR1QAO.png 0693W000004IGYfQAO.png 0693W000004IGhcQAG.png
iforce2d by Associate III
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Resolved! Possible to disable SPI clock output?

I'm using SPI to output a signal for addressable RGB LEDs, as described here. this signal requires only the MOSI pin, it would be great to be able to use the CLK pin f...

iforce2d by Associate III
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Where to find command table

Hi, ive been trying to understand how to program arm processors and I come from Arduino, but I never understood where the instructions that a machine understands come from, where are they all listen?

AMat.1 by Associate II
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ARM processor instruction set

Hi, i would like to understand how to program arm processors in general but i need an in depth explanation or tutorial to show m ehow to find the commands or letter combinations( words) that make the MCU do something. if i were to compare written cod...

AMat.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! DMA issues with dual-core STM32H745

I'm currently using the dual-core STM32H745, and am trying to utilize DMA's on both cores to R/W to/from shared memory. DMA's are only successful on the M4 cores, and always yield a DMA Transfer Error. I haven't done anything to modify the initializa...

TypeKazt by Associate III
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Continuous watchdog reset on STM32F7

The STM32F767ZI on some of my boards has a strange behavior where is goes into continuous watchdog reset.- Could it be because of ESD? Or is there a known issue with the silicon?- What could cause the watchdog trigger?

Squanchy by Associate
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