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We have a question about the memory map in section 3.1 of AN4839. The note states that "by default the MPU is disabled and that in this case the memory map is defined as the default address map".Immediately under this statement is a table with a memo...
High level: I'm looking to improve the performance of our application and I need to work out which methods are consuming CPU time.We have an application using NuttX as our RTOS running on STM32F777. The application is compiled with GCC using the Nut...
I'm having problems getting an ADC value from the STM32F777IIK chip we have embedded in one of our boards.I have used a digital GPIO application and have confirmed that the ADC pin (PC0) is connected from the chip to the headers that is good.I have u...
Posted on May 17, 2015 at 21:28I've been trying to work out how to make the STM8S act as an I2C slave and to be honest I'm failing.  I think I've set everything up according to the reference manual but for some reason I'm not getting the expected in...
Posted on May 18, 2014 at 09:52I am doing some work which requires precise timing and I think the STM8S can do what I need.  In order to prove this I setup a simple program which toggles PD0 in a while loop.I am using the IAR compiler and it compile...