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Forum Posts

SPI MISO "broken" after a while

Hello,I have a Nucleo-F439ZI as SPI master connected to four Nucleo-F030R8 SPI slaves.Initially, the SPI communication was working perfectly fine. But after a while, the master received only zeros on MISO line even though, the slaves where sending da...

_Daniel_ by Associate II
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Hi, I recently designed a custom stm32F405RGT6 board. However, I was unable to use the DFU mode.From what I understand, bootloader comes with DFU enabled. However, when I used stm32cubeprogrammer, it kept mentioning "DFU not detected". This is my sch...

MCU.png USB connection.png
Yeo by Associate
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Replacement for STM32H753ZI

Hi, I am looking for the STM32H series part with more GPIOs and Timers than STM32H753ZI. Can you please suggest me some of the options in H series?Below is my requirement GPIOSPII2CUARTTimerCANInternal ADC Channel6052216217

DJ7 by Associate
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Resolved! QSPI connection in STM32L412

DEar forum I'm designing a system to use a quad spi memory for log purposes. And I see that the L412R8I only features qspi bank 1 on AF10Bank 0 is missingIs it okay? I'd only use it by indirect access, because the memory is to be read and written Are...

Bug in CPAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady

Posted on January 30, 2014 at 08:24 There is a bug in CPAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady that prevents it from ever returning failure. /* wait until timeout elapsed or target device acknowledge its address*/ while ((__CPAL_I2C_HAL_GET_ADDR(pDevIn...

STM32F412ZG stuck at STOP Mode

Hi,I work with STM32F412ZG processor. I have also external LSE. I have the next problem related to STOP mode. There are some scenarios we want the processor to go to sleep for x hours. The processor goes to sleep for 5 seconds, doing some job and ret...