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STM32H7xx - PLL input frequency range settings

Hello,this is a description of PLL settings from a reference manal00: The PLL1 input (ref1_ck) clock range frequency is between 1 and 2 MHz (default after reset)01: The PLL1 input (ref1_ck) clock range frequency is between 2 and 4 MHz10: The PLL1 inp...

JPoha.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F7: setting PA15 as GPIO breaks SWD connection

I'm using an STM32F750 with the JTAG/SWD pins as follows:PA13 (JTMS/SWDIO) is connected to my debug headerPA14 (JTCK/SWCLK) is connected to my debug headerPA15 (JTDI) is to be used as a general-purpose outputPB3 (JTDO/TRACESWO) is connected to my deb...

JBerg.2 by Associate
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Enable XIP and write/erase external flash concurrently

Hi ST,​I'm using STM32H723 with mx25lm51245g​ to test XIP feature, we want to run the program in the external flash, in the meantime we want to write/erase external flash.​We found that once the XIP feture is enabled (memory mapped mode), if we try t...

yyou.1 by Associate
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STM32F PWM Signal Configuration During Working

Hello, currently I'm working on a PWM signal generation project. I can generate PWM for certain values. But I need to change them during experiment.For example, at start PWM going to work on 1KHz freq. and 10ns pulse witdh. Then I'll change them with...

USART2 setup problem

Hi,I want to use USART2 interrupt for STM32F103VET mcu. I have to use StdPeripheral Library for my project. I am using the init code below, but system is reset after each init. Do you have any advise for me? RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_USAR...

er3481 by Senior
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