User Activity

Bonjour,Since this morning, I can't create touchGFX projects with my card anymore.I have this wonderful error message.My internet connection has no problems.I reinstalled touchgfx but still the same problem.
I have an STM32F723 and I'm trying to configure it so that my computer recognizes it as a MIDI device via USB.I searched the internet for examples, and read up on USB and MIDI.However, I'm lost in all this flow of information.I use CubeMX and CubeIDE...
Hello,I try that when my OUTPUT compare is triggered, it triggers a function.As for the PeriodElapsedCallback method, when the timer is in overflow, it creates an interuption and the PeriodElapsedCallback function is called. Is there a function doing...
Hello,I am working on a STM32F723E-Disco,I am learning the use of timers and their functionalities.In particular, I try to use the output compare.What I'm trying to do is to use the output compare to turn on a LED when the output compare is triggered...
Hello,I use a STM32F429 with touchgfx.From my GUI, I would like to use hardware features of my card like RTC for example, so I activated the RTC on the STM32 and re-generated the code.So from my "Screen3View" file generated by touchgfx, I make an inc...