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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32F405 IWDG doesn't reset

I am having a problem where the IWDG seems to not reset the processor. I have setup a very simple project that enables the IWDG and then doesn't pet it - it should reset, but it doesn't. Running under the debugger or running standalone, it doesn't re...

GPIO toggle example not toggling in BLUENRG 232 MCU. THe program is running and the DAT resistors changing values.

/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2015 STMicroelectronics ********************* File Name     : GPIO/IOToggle/main.c * Author       : RF Application Team* Version      : V1.1.0* Date        : September-2015* Description    : Code demostrating the G...

UART DMA Capture Restart.

Hi, I need a little help with this situation.I have to receive a packet from a serial port, this packet has a variable size and is also quite long. So I use two areas of RAM as a buffer and alternatively send the data to an external flash. I tried us...

Resolved! How to close the IWDG when STM32L051 enter stop mode.

when I use STM32L051, its iwdg and stop function ,after it enter stop mode ,the iwdg is also working,I want to close the iwdg when it's stopped,but I didn't find this bit of "IWDG_STOP" in FLASH_OPTR register ,so I don't know how to do ,because I use...

泽陶.1 by Associate II
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Adapting Custom Keyboard GUI to multi-screen application

I have been fighting to get the keyboard adapted to a multi-screen application for several days. I have gone thru the code generated by the Custom Keyboard GUI and the code that I have adapted for my application. I just don't see how to get the keybo...

LDoyl by Associate III
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Problem with simple I2C read on STM32F105

I am simply trying to read a few bytes from an I2C memory device using the following code: uint8_t buff[ 4 ]; HAL_I2C_Mem_Read( &hi2c1, ( uint16_t )( 80 << 1 ), 0, I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_16BIT, buff, 4, 10 );However, when I look at the output on the ...
