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Stm32f407 discovery board issues

I am new to coding. I brought new stm32f407 discovery board. Intially their is no issue with debugging for target. But now ld1 ld2 are continuously glowing and ld3 ld4 ld5 ld6 are not glowing when i connect the board for pc and when a usb is connect ...

Detect I2C device has stopped working

Using STM32L4 with DS3231. Using LL interrupts to communicate with device.Is there any way using interrupts to detect the device has stopped working. stopped working in the sense that that device is not ACK ng or has lost Vcc. not as in device functi...

Hp.14 by Associate II
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Resolved! My SPI analyzer is different from what I send.

Dear ST Hello,I am coming back to you because the my spi frame I am sending is not the same I am watching on the oscilloscope,My spi configuration is: /* USER CODE BEGIN SPI3_Init 0 */   /* USER CODE END SPI3_Init 0 */   /* USER CODE BEGIN SPI3_...


Resolved! What do Events from EXTI controller use for?

In the STM32F070, EXTI0_15 come from GPIOs, EXTI17 comes from RTC Alarm Event, EXTI18 comes from USB wakeup Event, EXTI19 comes from RTC Tamper and TimeStamp Event, EXTI20comes from RTC Wakeup Event. Where are destination of EXTIs? or Where are EXTIs...

FAlle.1 by Associate II
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Wrong MCU frequency only while debugging

Problem definition:PLLCLK frequency is different (wrong) in debugging mode only.Two empty projects were created using CubeMX 6.0.1 and 4.25.1 as a reference.running exactly the same main.c where only HSE and MCO are enabled outputs different results....

MUrbs.1 by Associate
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Diagram for STM32F4 flash stall interrupt latency

Hi,some time ago i saw a good picture/diagram which showed the latency of IRQ execution on an stm32 with one flash bank and in comparison with 2 flash banks.On the controllers with one flash bank the execution is stalled, and with 2 flash banks it is...

Jnevi.1 by Senior
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