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Hi everyone,I'm working in a Medical devices company and we use currently plenty of STM32s (F0,F1,F4, maybe soon H7). Until now, we didn't bother that much the cybersecurity topic for the firmwares but now the norms are forcing us :D.I checked a bit ...
Hi everyone,I'm currently trying to implement USART2 in the Nucleo STM32L073, but despite i see frames coming from the other chip, i can't have any interrupt in RX (configured to get byte by byte). I also tried the polling method but it doesn't work ...
Hi everyone, I want to organise a little bit more our stm32cube projects. I want to remove Src and Inc folders and create some subfolders. Is it doable without having to use your own Makefile to compile the project ?Thanks in advance for your answer,...
Hi everyone, For some reasons, i need to store 3 uint16 in flash (once) when my application is running. Of course the goal is that those values will remain after a power down / reset. Does someone knows how to do this properly ?Do i need to define a ...
Hello everyone,I am trying to setup the clock of my STM32G070KB using a 8MHz external quartz. I tried 2 different ways, one from CUBEIDE, the other from libopencm3. I didn't succeed to make my application work yet. CUBEIDE : I see a warning near the ...