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Forum Posts

STM32F013C8T6 (blue pill) flash error

I am using STM32F103C8T6 with libopencm3 and FreeRTOS. Some programs I have can only flash once, even though the code function properly. The second time I flash it will say something like "unknown chip id! 0x3748. Failed to connect to target". I have...

DTung.2 by Associate II
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STM32H7 - Handling with 2 MPUs

Hello, the STM32H7 (dual core) has two dedicated memory protection units. If I configure one MPU to make a memory region only accessable as readonly, does the memory protection unit from the other core inherit those configuration or is it bypassing ...

PButc.1 by Associate II
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STM32G4 ADC Errata

Hello,For STM32G4 Rev Y:Errata 2.7.3Wrong ADC result if conversion done late after calibration or previous conversion DescriptionThe result of an ADC conversion done more than 1 ms later than the previous ADC conversion or ADC calibration might be in...

JVinc.1 by Associate III
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