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Hi,     Please share pointers on interfacing 32Bits RAM along with STM32H750XB MCU with QUAD SPI External Memory and 8 MB Frame Buffer RAM on STM32H750XBRAM - IS42S32400TFT USED  - 1024x600 at 24 bpp and or 1024x800 at 16 bpp at 60 + FPSAre These Set...
I have designed a STM32F429 Custom TFT Board With 4.3" TFT it is based on 32F429IDISCOVERY MCU + RAM + 4.3" TFT in 16 bit mode and I'm using TouchGFX. I have few questions.1) It is possible to remove External RAM from the System.2) How to limit RAM U...
Hello All,               I need to design a board that will carry an IS42S32400F-6BL SRAM ,STM32H750XB MCU,Flash MT25QL512ABB1EW9-0SIT and Couple of support components along with Power supply.My questions-1) MCU Power Supply Protection2) High frequen...
Trying to communicate MAX31856 With STM32F401STM32CUBEIDE 1.15.1ADAFRUIT MAX31856 Breakout Board uint8_t data[2]; uint8_t addr_data[2]={0x04,0x00}; while (1) { HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_4, GPIO_PIN_RESET); HAL_Delay(10); ...
I have setup a base board of ADE9000 With only Basic Components connected, Like Bypass capacitors, Reset pullups and connected SPI Directly with the STM32F401 Blackpill board , Everything starts-up perfectly.So I want to check the communication betwe...
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