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STM32F030CC ADC reads 0

Hi,I am using stm32f030 to read adc value(truestudio). ADC reads value on an interval of 10 minutes. It is observer that ADC reads value for first 5-6 times,and after that it reads 0v.The readings we get is also different from what is measured on adc...

Jpj.1 by Associate II
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QSPI PSRAM for STM32H7 microcontrollers

Dear All, I've seen from ST website that STM32H7 is compatible with a QSPI PSRAM of the producer AP Memory. IoT PSRAM (QSPI PSRAM) - AP Memory IoT RAM solution is the ideal solution, specifically when the application memory needs exceed the SRAM embe...

MDell.1 by Associate II
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Using DS3231 as OSC

The DS3231 MC has two open drain pins, SQW and SQW32, which can generate, respectively, 8Mhz and 32768 signals. Can I use these to start stm32s, sort of like an external generator? If so - those pins are open drain, what kind of pull-up resistors do ...

ADC affecting pins not in its sequencer

Hello,In some weird way, the ADC is affecting a certain pin (PA7) even though I did set that pin as one of the channels to be sampled. I trigger the ADC every 100ms, single conversion multichannel (only 4 channels) with DMA. When ADC is triggering e...

Jon3 by Associate II
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I wanted to toggle an LED in STM32 , there's this GPIOx_BSRR ,The boundry address for the GPIOC is 0x4001 1000 and the register (GPIOx_BSRR) is on the offset 0x10,I wanted to toggle the led_13 using bitbanding but Im not getting to the alias address0...

Oahme.1 by Associate III
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Blutooth mesh publish latency

Hello all,We are currently evaluating the bluetooth mesh implementation of ST integrated in our tools and in nucleo board.But right now, I'm facing a problem : the latency to send messages with the MOBLE_RESULT BluenrgMesh_SetRemotePublication(..)AP...

nicolas b by Associate III
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