Resolved! Why does a call to printf need to be terminated by a newline ?
Works: printf("hello world\n");Does not work: printf("goodbye world !");I have tried to find the answer in gcc´without success.
Works: printf("hello world\n");Does not work: printf("goodbye world !");I have tried to find the answer in gcc´without success.
I am working on a project where I am using two boards to communicate via SPI. The master board (TMS320F28377S) is sending data successfully via SPINow, my receiver board is running on a STM32F439 processor, I'm relatively new to this micro. I configu...
int Pulse(void) { TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TimeStruct; RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_TIM2,ENABLE); TIM_SelectInputTrigger(TIM2,TIM_TS_ITR3);// TIM_SelectSlaveMode(TIM2,TIM_SlaveM...
How should a UART interface be designed so that a robust communication possible can be established between two MCUs. The following table is shown in a data sheet from Texas Instruments. You can see the error rate depending on the baud rate. According...
Hello All, I want to find the Vref Voltage on which my ADC is operating. For this I am trying to find the VDDA. To get the VDDA I need to find the VREFINT_CAL value of my Microcontroller. I am unable to find the memory address for the same in both da...
I make a simple file system with 256 files. In the header I want to put data about the file system.The data is presented as an array of structures:typedef struct { const char name[20]; const char textExtension[4]; const uint32_t size; ...
We purchased STM32F103CBT6 from Disty and realized that part received with MSL 2 & 3. Had find all the document and didn't mention on the MSL rating. Anyone can advise on this whether is normal ?
Hello All,I am using STM32F103C8 as an I2C SlaveAs Shown in the above image the Slave did not responded to the Master. In this particular call from the master, the slave gets in to the BERR Error.I ***** the same Slave with Arduino Uno as I2C Master ...
Hello,Here is code:Prescale=7;Periode=7999;Pulse=3998;void PWMControl(unsigned int Freq){ TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TimeStructureure; TIM_OCInitTypeDef TIMOCStructureure; TimeStructure.TIM_Prescaler=Prescale; TimeS...
Dear All, Am writing code for Winbond Memory chip "w25q64", for same i got some reference from git hub , but it is with HAL library, same i am converting to standard peripheral library.HAL_SPI_Transmit(&_W25QXX_SPI,pBuffer,NumByteToWrite_up_to_PageSi...