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how can i update firmware over any CAN bus?

Dear Madam/Sir,we are using STM32F4 series microcontroller. ı wonder that how can i update firmware over any CAN bus. Do you have any sample code or tool to do this? Really i dont know how can i do. There is no answer about this issue on internet.

Auysa.1 by Associate
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NUCLEO-L476RG: Write ADC values into SD_CARD using SPI

Good Morning. For my thesis work, I have to develop a sensor for seismocardiography based on sensortile. Being unfamiliar with microcontrollers, I'm running some tests using an L476RG nucleo board.I created a project that foresees continuous analog-d...

GChir.2 by Associate II
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I am using Nucleo-32 with STM32F042K6 and trying to use flash (32KB, 1K pages). I can erase, read right each page starting at page 18 (18,432) up through page 31 (31,744), except page 21 (21,504). Page 21 hard faults on erase.

-Using the HAL in STM32 Cube IDE.-I can examine the FLASH pointer in the hard fault ISR and the registers appear to be just like when accessing any other page.-I am unlocking the Flash and the option bytes.-I have not modified the option bytes.-It do...

RGord.2 by Associate II
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VREF+ drops when DAC is used (STM32G0)

I use a LM4040 voltage reference IC to generate a 3.00V reference voltage for the STM32G0 VREF+ pin. The resistor is 750 ohms, so 4mA can be sourced to the VREF+ pin (the datasheet specifies a minimum of 500 uA). I use the STM32G0 DAC (channel 1 only...

JLemi by Associate III
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