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I have been studying the x-cube-memsmic1's AMicArray_Microphones_Streaming example. I have used 4 channel mic array expansion module. As per the theory, incoming data is from 4 channels, 16-bit slot size per channel, and 96khz sampling frequency. so...
I have been going through the X-CUBE-MEMSMIC examples on the STWINKt development board. There are two examples 'AMicArray_Acoustic_SL' and 'AMicArray_Microphones_Streaming' are given. AMicArray_Acoustic_SL - is sampling audio at 16k and providing the...
Having difficulty to communicate with SPS30 on I2C. As a beginner I am having difficulty to understand how to debug the problem as it just returns 255 in in_buff. This topic may sound to broad, however, If someone can guide me the direction to make ...