Hi,I'm trying to write and read to/from M24512-R EEPROM.Seems that everything is fine writing and reading because HAL return is HAL_OK, but allways I've reading 255 value.My code:int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ /* USER CODE END 1 */ ...
Hi,I'm trying to develop a program on a NUCLEO-L4R5ZI-P to write/read data from a S27K0641 (HYPERRAM) and S26K128 (HYPERFLASH). First I choosed to use only Indirect mode to access the memory. Is it the best option?Then, there are a lot of options ava...
Hey, Im learning my stm32f411e-disco and I am following a guy whos using a slightly different board (stm32f407 discovery or just stm32f4Disco) I cant find BSP for my board on Keil and I was wondering if i could use the STM32F4Discovery's BSP or not. ...
I want to programming & debugging STM32 F0 , F1, F4 series MCU wirelessly using ESP8266 wifi module.MCU connected to esp8266 wifi module through internet connection using UART bootloader.For debugging connect using remote GDB server IP & Port no...
fault but instead I got Precise Bus Fault with following stack frame :R0 = 28000134 R1 = 1 R2 = 40000000 R3 = 1 R12 = ae60cd5 LR = 80015b9 PC = 80015be PSR = 2100002c- FSR/FAR: CFSR = 8200 HFSR = 40000000 DFSR = 0 AFSR = 0 BFAR = 28000130By disassemb...
For MPU6050 i am using accelerometer range of +/-2g with sensitivity of 16384.For STM32F446RE board i am using I2C1 to interface with MPU6050 in standard mode with duty cycle as 50%. i am using PB6 as SCL and PB7 as SDA.Help me in getting my values i...
Hi everyone... I received a source code from another microcontroller STM32F401RBT6 where another developer was flashing and erasing the flash in this way .. int16_t FlashEraseApp(void) { HAL_StatusTypeDef res; FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef erase_init; ...
Hi folks... I did a bootloader for STM32F7 able to load an hex file from USB stick .. erase the previous flash memory starting at address 0x0810000 (the starting address of the app to delete) and update correctly the new app. The problem is that the ...
Sorry for my bad English. I am using NUCLEO STM32H743ZI2 with ADC multi-channel. I am using 3ADC: ADC 1, 2, and 3 independent mode triggered by TIM1CH1 The CPU clock is 400MHz using an external HSESTM32H7-> The TIM PWM works well, and it can trigger...