How to Transfer Data use of simple GPIO pins micro Controller to micro Controller?
*How we can transfer (eg:2 bytes of ) data through simple GPIO pins without using any of the communication protocols (uart,spi,i2c,etc..)
*How we can transfer (eg:2 bytes of ) data through simple GPIO pins without using any of the communication protocols (uart,spi,i2c,etc..)
I have a STM32F446 core and the Peripheral clock is 45 MHz. I am looking at the RM0390 Rev 6 Section 30.7.7 Bit TimingI am looking at the documentation Figure 395. Page 1063/1347I want a bit rate of 1 million bits per second (Mbps)In my calculation u...
I am trying to collect data from ADC using DMA in circular buffer mode.i want to excess/read DMA_SxNDTR register. also tell me how to read data from circular buffer. I have written code for reading count from DMA_SxNDTR but it is not working , it is...
I am trying to read 3 ADC channels (ADC1) via DMA but I get false values in the watch window./* Private user code ---------------------------------------------------------*//* USER CODE BEGIN 0 */uint32_t value1[3];/* USER CODE END 0 *//** * @brief T...
I have had STM32CubeIDE v1.3.0 working with my hardware. I just upgraded to Cube to v1.6.1. Now when I try to debug, I get "No ST-LINK detected! " message box This has happened before (my upgrade to 1.4.1 failed so I rolled back to 1.3.0). ST-LINK...
Hello,I'm using nucleo board f410rb to communicate with another device via UART, my Baudrate is correctly fixed , i checked with the builder of the device the command i should send , i wrote the following code but the device dosen't respond uint8_t t...
I have RS-485 transceiver connected to USART1 (PA9 + PA10) and relay connected to PB4. If MCU have erased FLASH or RST-pin connected to GND all incoming data to pin PA10 (Rx) for RS-485 line translated to pin PB4 in inversion (0 on PA10 => 1 on PB4, ...
I purchased a new STM32F407G-DISC1 (MB 997D) board last week. As shown in many of the videos, I am not able to program it using STM32CubeIDE. Tried with ST-Link utility & STM32CubeProgrammer as well but no luck. I observed target voltage is detected ...
STM32L412xx datasheet DS12469 even in Rev. 8 talks about � Accurate 2.5 V or 2.048 V reference voltage buffered outputon the front page. The reference manual gives only availability on L43 and L45.