2021-10-18 1:13 AM
I have a little problem. I developed an Ethernet based remote firmware update for the STM32H753 uC (rev. V) in a custom board.
The processor erases the BANK2, and than programs it with the new firmware. When the programmed firmware checks correctly, a BANK swap occures and the the processor resets itself.
This bootloader works fine on some hardware, but my problem is that there are hardwares when I call the 'HAL_FLASHEx_Erase_IT()' function (which returns HAL_OK), the 'FLASH_IRQHandler' not triggered.
It's very strange that there are two identical hardwares, and one works fine all the time and the other fails all the time.
I could really use some help,
2021-10-18 6:27 AM
To fire an interrupt, a few things need to happen:
Check those. One or more isn't happening.
2021-10-18 12:06 PM
There's some errata for flash interface and bank switching (especially 2.2.8).
Are you sure that none of your "hardwares" are rev. Y?