STM32L5 family does not support CAN ?
Hello, I'm working with Mbed on STM32L552RE.As far as I could see the STM32L5 family with Mbed does not support CAN yet.Can I know if it is planned, and if so when ?Bests regards.
Hello, I'm working with Mbed on STM32L552RE.As far as I could see the STM32L5 family with Mbed does not support CAN yet.Can I know if it is planned, and if so when ?Bests regards.
hi,i am using stm32f3 nucleo board in that i am initilization the spi in polling mode but not able to receive and transmit data usin ll driver where as when using hal it working properly
I'm using a STM32G031J6 MCU in my project and i need to use the reset pin as a GPIO. From what i read on the reference manual this can be done by setting the NRST_MODE option bit to 2 (GPIO). However the issue i'm facing is that if the reset pin is h...
Hi! Can I use touch sensing embedded in stm32L432 to sens water level or just water presence? Contact or contactless (capacitive).I want to use this to sens water presence. Connect a long (5-10m)wire to touch PIN and another to GND. Or just single ...
are the GPIOs at HI-z? pulled up? or Pulled down?this is very important to me, I don't want to enable any circuit at start up.
Hello Everyone,I have Nucleo-H723ZG and I managed to configure CAN to work there but only sending messages. I am not able to get anything in RX Buffer.I configured CAN like:hfdcan1.Instance = FDCAN1; hfdcan1.Init.FrameFormat = FDCAN_FRAME_CLASSIC; ...
Hello,I hopefully selected proper category, forgive me if not.I have the following question.There are files like for example /CMSIS/device/stm32l053xx.h(or similar files for other devices)which include useful definitions of addresses of all the perip...
Hello All,We design a circuit with STM32F030F4.And when I checked the current consumption of the circuit , I saw the curent consumption is changing by the time.It moves like decreasing for some time and increasing suddenly after that decreasing for s...
I have connect STM32H7xx device with Quectel MC60 GPRS Modem via UART. Instead of working with several AT commands to send the packet over SSL layer. I would like integrate with any open Cellular library which can used to enable PPPoE over Serial to ...
I'm using stm32f429 Discovery board and I want to know number of cycles required to execute this part of assembly code .ldr r3, [pc, #64] ; (0x8001228 <TIM1_UP_TIM10_IRQHandler+120>)ldr r3, [r3, #0]ldr r3, [r3, #36] ; 0x24ldr r2, [pc, #64] ...