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STM32L010 and NXP NT3H2211 (I2C question)

Greetings everyone, I am trying to communicate with NT3H2211.My specific problem is marked red on the picture (everything else I manage to successfully send/receive). When reading data NT3H2211 wants to get " 7 bits SA and '1' " and then it will send...

JZida.1 by Associate II
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How to select PSRAM compatible with STM32F407 FSMC ?

Hi,There are two points I want to understand them.first one:-I want to use PSRAM with STM32F407 FSMC when I used STM32cubeMX it support Muxed PSRAM only although, STM32F407 reference manual says that it support Multiplexed or nonmultiplexed PSRAM (...

MHass.2 by Associate III
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QSPI sends wrong instruction

Dear Readers,i try to connect to a LY68L6400 via Quad SPI. I manage without Problems to read the ID of the Chip, which i think means the communication is Working. When i try to write data (by Sending 0x38 as instruction) The instruction is changed to...

About using virtual com ports with STM32F767

Hello!Before I forget, I'm using STM32IDE 1.6.1 on Linux. The board is a custom design. In order to make the problem reproductible, I have reproduced the problem on a Nucleo 144 board with STM32F767.I have setup a VCOM port using USB cdc, and it work...

PG.1 by Associate III
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