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Modbus RTU crc calculation- STM32F407

Hi everybody,First, I'm sorry for my poor English.I'm using STM32F407VET6 and I want to calculate 16bit CRC of Modbus RTU. Can anybody help me how I can use hardware CRC of the STM32F407? Is it possible to use hardware crc for modbus rtu? Or should I...

mh2 by Associate III
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STM32F401VC board demo

Hi,Can someone has STM32F401 discovery board to verify the Accelerometer functionality please?​Actually I want to extend the accelerometer functionality for another application.But sadly the accelerometer LSM303DLHC is not working in new application....

Unable to adjust RTC or TAMP backup registers on STM32U585QIIbQ, any suggestions? I haven't seen any details in documentation as to why, and have been trying things for a few days.

I have tried the HAL without success - It seems to hard fault when initializing RTC.I have privilege disabled, and trust zone disabled,Unable to access any RTC or TAMP registers.Here is a minimal example of code, including the snippets of misc things...

Interrupt pin doesn't working STM32L053

Hi friends, I have STM32L053C8T6TR, where I use PPS pulse from GPS connected to PB8. I set this pin: #define GPS_PPS_Pin LL_GPIO_PIN_8 #define GPS_PPS_GPIO_Port GPIOB     void gps_pps_pin_init(void) {   LL_EXTI_InitTypeDef EXTI_InitStru...

Conflict in the definition of VTOR register

Hi.In PM0214 programming manual page 40 it says:On system reset, the vector table is fixed at address 0x00000000. Privileged software can write to the VTOR to relocate the vector table start address to a different memory location, in the range 0x0000...