I am using the FDCAN_Classic_Frame_Networking example for the STM32G0 part. Instead of using the 64Mhz clock I have a 16Mhz oscillator connected. The example uses a 1Mb bit rate at 64Mhz. My hardware and ioc file are setup to use the 16Mhz as FDCAN1 ...
Hello,I'm using CubeMx to create a project with usb cdc serial port and BLE functionality. CubeMx generates a sequencer UTIL_SEQ_Run(~0); that runs the BLE state machine. In the code below, if I comment out UTIL_SEQ_Run(~0); the code runs fine per Wo...
I2C Error trappingI am using the STM32WB in master mode, polling a single LSM303AGR accelerometer. Using the HAL transmit routine as follows:if(hi2c1.State == HAL_I2C_STATE_READY) { /* Now send the device address and register to be read with 1 sec d...
I am using the STM32WB in master mode, polling a single LSM303AGR accelerometer. Using the HAL transmit routine as follows:if(hi2c1.State == HAL_I2C_STATE_READY) { /* Now send the device address and register to be read with 1 sec delay max*/ while(...
I am using the following code: while(HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, DEVICE_ADDR, i2cbuffer, 1, 1000) != HAL_OK) { /* Error_Handler() function is called when Timeout error occurs. When Acknowledge failure occurs (Slave doesn't acknowledge its...
Thanks for your reply. I do have the 3 interrupts you’ve shown added. I had the usb code in the main loop for just testing it without the sequencer. I was not aware that UTIL_SEQ_Run(~0) could be the only function in the main loop. I’ll try adding th...
Thanks for the reply. I’ve actually implemented the code in the thread you’ve provided and I am still getting the same issue. The code is being called as I’ve got the define set to 1, but it seems to be the same behavior. I’ll keep digging.
Here is the code: /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ char usbOut[256]; while (1) { /* USER CODE END WHILE */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ sprintf(usbOut, "Hello World\r\n"); //CDC_Transmit_FS(( uint8_t * )usbOut, strlen( usbOut )); USBD_...
Hi Eleon,Yes, I can read/write with the same routing to all the magnetometer registers, make the part work, write hard iron registers, read dual registers with no problem. I can read who am I from both the mag and acc no issues. It's just when I read...