I'm trying to use this lines of code:#define DATA_EEPROM_BASE_ADDRESS = 0x08080000;const calibration_param_t parameters __attribute__((at(DATA_EEPROM_BASE_ADDRESS)));but if I check in debug, the constant structure parameters is allocated inside the c...
Since I flashed the Nucleo-F439ZI board with a firmware, I can neither flash another firmware nor go into debug mode. No error message appears in the console. What could this be?
I am working on NUCLEO-h745ziq board.I am interface i2c to BMP280 sensor using DMA method.But I am unable to read chipID .Using the polling method Iable to get chipiD and also temperature but using DMA i am unable please help me.s8 BME280_I2C_bus_re...
I am using Nucleo-h74ziq . I am working with i2c loop backing with DMA.I am using 2 board. One board is master and one board as slave. The master is able to send the data and the slave is receiving the data and after that is not again get ready and ...
Any I2S examples of STM32H7?
Hello. I'm looking for information on how to configure I2S microphones using the SAI peripheral. I'm using H743, but this likely applies to any SAIL-capable STM32. The Reference manual, and an application note discuss PDM microphone setup in detail, ...
I am using the STM32L151 processor.I noticed that the LSE takes between 140ms and 712ms to get ready RCC_FLAG_LSERDY. I think Is a time of 700ms still a correct time? Fluctuations are normal?code:while ((uint16_t)RCC_GetFlagStatus(RCC_FLAG_LSERDY) ==...
Hi all,I have a firmware written for some nucleo boards that use the stm32f4 and stm32l4 MCUs.This firmware communicates with a pc through serial and control some motors. The user sould be able to send through the serial, a simple program: a small, ...