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Forum Posts

Resolved! Why is does the ADC stay on 2048 (12Bit)?

Hello Our STM32G4 is measuring a sinus-ADC value with offset. The offset is at VDDA/2.Our ADC measurement shows a plateau at the offset, even, when the sinus signal is crossing the VDDA/2 (see attached picture).The signal them self seems to be ok (me...

RGmün.1 by Associate II
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How reinit UART?

After reset MCU init UART - 8bits, no parity bit, init DMA RX and TX, interrupts on - works Ok.Reinit UART - 9 bits, even parity bit, no DMA - works Ok.Reinit UART the same as p.1 - doesn't work interrupts.

EAlek.2 by Associate II
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Gimbal 3-axis with STM32 and MPU6050

Hi I have been thinking about making a 3 axis gimbal with Arduino and an MPU6050 for some time now. I went around the internet for a while and saw that there is a project that manages to control three brushless motors only with arduino as if they wer...

SCasa.2 by Associate
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Nuclel STM32F303K8 TIM2 as Encoder

I'm working to read 2 identical encoders from 2 identical motor drivers.I use TIM2 and TIM3 to read the encoders.The encoder at TIM3 works properly, but the encoders at TIM2, I could see in debug mode the IRQ but the register CNT is zero. But every t...

FTrom by Associate II
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