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Forum Posts

Resolved! Using OCTOSPI in Memory Mapped mode with an QuadSPI SRAM

Hi guys,I am using an STM32L552ZET6 and I would like to extend the RAM using an external SRAM chip (23A1024-E/TS), that has an QuadSPI interface. I would like to know if I can use STM32L5 OCTOSPI interface in memory mapped mode with the above mention...

CDan.1 by Associate II
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Possible to use all 3 DAC channels simultaneously?

In reading the manuals and datasheets, it seems like it should be possible to simultaneously use all 3 channels (DAC1 Channel 1, DAC1 Channel 2, and DAC2 Channel 1) of the onboard DACs at once, emitting separate values on each. However, no matter wha...

Cbee.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Undefined reference in EEPROM emulation package

Hi all,I'm trying to implement manually the ST EEPROM emulation package.But I got stuck at a undefined reference: I included in the right build paths and in the IDE I can perfectly jump to the EE_Init() function.So the IDE does know where to look, bu...

WSpar.1 by Associate III
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STM32H747 HSEM issue

Hello,I am trying to manage data transfer between the 2 core of the STM32H747.My problem is all hardware semaphore are locked just at the initialisation phase ( MASTERID 0X03 , Core M7) After Hal_Init(); & SystemClock_Config(); all is free.after __HA...

Configuring OCTOSPI on a STM32H723/STM32H730

I'm having an issue configuring the OCTOSPI for accessing an external HyperRAM (Cypress S27KL0643) connected to OCTOSPI1.My basic issue is that the STM32 doesn't provide a chip select or clock when I attempt to access the chip.I'm suspect I'm misconf...

JCoop.2 by Associate
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Resolved! Stm32f427vit6 replacement

Can i replace the stm32f427vit6 with the f429vit6, f437vit6 or 439vit6 without changing code, and are they completely pin compatible?​​​