Resolved! number of sectors in the stm32f446rc flash memory
How many sectors does the flash memory of stm32f446rc has and what is the size of each sectors ?
How many sectors does the flash memory of stm32f446rc has and what is the size of each sectors ?
static void MX_ADC_Init(void){ /* USER CODE BEGIN ADC_Init 0 */ /* USER CODE END ADC_Init 0 */ ADC_ChannelConfTypeDef sConfig = {0}; /* USER CODE BEGIN ADC_Init 1 */ /* USER CODE END ADC_Init 1 */ /** Configure the global features of the ADC (Clock, ...
Hi there,I have a Nucleo-G031K8 evaluation board and am unable to get the program to start when connected to an external power supply. I have a bench top power supply connected to the VIN pin with 12v+ The LD2 led is light indicating power is workin...
HelloI am using stm32f072c8t6 in my project but stlink does not connect stm32 somehowHow can I detect the fault?boot pin > 10k > GNDNRST pin>10k 3.3v
When I tried to write a file to STM32F103RCT6, it could not be written.STVP displays this as a "device protected" warning.The IC was purchased from a trading company and is not written to the cash register.We inspected nearly 70, but not the other bo...
I am using STM32F303REx to measure Voltage and Current from ADC (differential Input). Is there -+ values around 0 or are they offset around 4096/2 Offset that must be subtracted to get a signed value? Is there any documentation or Examples?
Hi. I have Nucleo-L412 programming error with Keil. I can program Nucleo F401, F411 and F407 discovery board without error. But I can not load the program to the L412 board. I had had "No ST Link Detected error" but then I solved this problem on Keil...
HI,good mornig,I'm starting to use RTC on STM32G0...familyI'm using NUCLEO board G071RB for initial tests and I setted it as follow:1) introducing 2032 battery on Vbat pin (previous disconnect SB26 jumper (Vdd))2) select LSE by STCubeMX configuration...
Hello,I'm using Stm32Cubeide. How to configure the parameter settings (Clock Divider, Frame Format,..) for a classic can 500K ?Thanks for advance.
Hi everyone i have stm32f030c8t6 mcu with out evaluate borad, when i set the clock on 8 Mhz it's work correctly, but when i set the clock on 16,32Mhz with pll or even with HSE it doesn't work, i check in keil debug and it writes cannot access memory,...