2022-02-15 11:24 AM
I setup my custom board with STM32F401RE. I am using the HSI a the moment with configuration shown in the image below. All I am doing is printing some lines using this function on the UART2:
#ifdef __GNUC__
/* With GCC, small printf (option LD Linker->Libraries->Small printf
set to 'Yes') calls __io_putchar() */
int __io_putchar(int ch)
int fputc(int ch, FILE *f)
#endif /* __GNUC__ */
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, (uint8_t *)&ch, 1, HAL_MAX_DELAY);
return ch;
But on my serial terminal, I cannot read the right characters. I have tried with different baud rates and that did not make any difference. I am using a logic analyzer to read the data from the Tx pin and it always reads the correct characters. These are the bit timings on the UART pin:
104.160us for 9600
51.480us for 19200
8.60us for 115200
When I calculate the exact baud rates for these timings, they are a bit off to the exact value but AFAIK, it is always the case on the UART. What am I missing here? How can I print the correct characters on my serial terminal? I have tried putty and H-term so far and both always printed the garbage characters.
2022-02-15 1:09 PM
This normally works. So check your hardware connection form the UART pins to the PC (via USB?). Cable lengths, voltage levels, waveforms (with a scope). For testing you might call HAL_UART_Transmit
directly in main(). Should make no difference, but there *must* be something going wrong.
You can also try a loopback from PC to PC using your HW setup.
2022-02-15 1:58 PM
The STM32 also uses CMOS levels, not RS232 (higher, and inverted), so you need a level converter like a MAX3232 or use a USB-to-CMOS Serial adapter.
Baud rate, yes typically 3-5% error is tolerable, but the dividers should get you to within 1% as I recall.
If you send a 0x55 (U) pattern continuously at 8N1, it should look like a square wave
2022-02-15 2:11 PM
The USB to serial adapter I am using works fine as I tested that with another board.
The voltage levels on the UAT lines on my custom board look ok. As I mentioned, the logic analyzer does read the correct data but not my serial monitor. I am using UART 1, 2 and 6. None of them seem to be working as it should.
2022-02-15 2:14 PM
I use MAX3232EIDWG4 on my board for the level shifting. The level shift is for UART1 and UART6 as it needs to communicate with external interfaces on the RS232. The UART2 is hooked up directly to the USB serial adapter. None of the UARTs are reading/sending the correct data.
2022-02-15 2:53 PM
That is a bit odd. The HSI can be off a bit, I don't recall a Trim or Calibration setting for it. The HSI_VALUE define should be fixed.
The PLL powers from the VDDA, might also check the VCAP pins/caps.
Should be able to export HSI or PLL clocks via MCO PA8 to check with a scope.
For HSE there can be a mismatch vs external crystal if HSE_VALUE define is not reflective of reality.
If there is a sync issue, the inter-symbol gap can be rather tight, consider TWO stop bits.
2022-02-16 1:23 PM
Turns out the loopback mode works fine on UART1, UART6 but not UART2. I verified this with the Nucleo F401 board too. Somehow, the loopback does not work on only UART2. Is this the limitation of this UART ports?
However, the reason other UART did not work is because the MAX232 does not convert CMOS to RS232 and vice versa. I guess it is either broken or there is a wrong connection on the board. Here is how it looks like:
What are the consequences of connecting 2 different lines together?
2022-02-16 1:55 PM
I wouldn't do it this way, ROUT1 should be able to drive two CMOS input buffers, no idea what the defined behaviour is for the buffers to be run in parallel.
>>Is it fine to connect RIN1 and RIN2 to read from either of these RS232 lines?
Either of which two lines? You only have one input source.
The original MAX232 had a bandwidth limit of about 1Mbaud, but could be lower depending on capacitor choices.