2021-06-15 4:57 AM
2022-02-15 11:54 PM
Hi Ezgi,
i have the same trouble. Have you solved it?
Best regards.
2022-02-16 12:24 AM
>>..does it need to be updated..
If the QSPI image hasn't changed, then no.
As I recall most tools allow you to choose which sections of memory have algorithms to write them, or you can write debugger scripts to do the process selectively.
Smart tools would limit how the file differs from build to build and only update areas that have changed.
Cleverer implementations would keep "resources" in a separate and less tightly bound form, ie have internal structures and indexes, that can be looked up rather than hard coded.
If you have enough SDRAM perhaps that can be used to cache data that will eventually go to QSPI in the final load.
Perhaps you could do a post link step to strip sections which haven't changed from the .ELF file?
2022-02-16 6:01 AM
Hi Tesla*
Following your and other suggest I solved it:
I create a post-build command:
arm-none-eabi-objcopy ${ProjName}.elf ${ProjName}_NOQSPI.elf --remove-section=*FlashSection
ps. All my sections names pointing to External QSPI was [variousname]FlashSection.
Then I created a debug session which load the new file ${ProjName}_NOQSPI.elf and THAT LOAD CORRECTLY.
Then thnx for support!
2022-02-16 9:58 AM