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I can remember that the Project Manager tab of the STM32CubeIDE showed an option to change the used firmware package. In my current project I'm not able to do that. When opening the .ioc file the used FW package is version 1.17.3, while the IDE actua...
The STM32WB5 has 1M of flash memory. The default linker script shares this 50:50 between main and second core (LENGTH = 512K), meaning flash ends at 0x0808 0000 (page 128) for the main core.But the wireless binaries don't necessarily start right at t...
When using the STM32WB5MMG, what is the recommanded way to change the AdvData (specifically complete local name) during runtime? I see that CubeMX stores the data in "a_AdvData" in app_ble.c But there is no API call to change that variable. Would it ...
Edit: It's always embarrassing when you ask a question and immediately afterwards you find what you where looking for...Please ignore this question.---Original question: I'm starting to work with the STM32WB5MM-DK, but I can't find the schematics. Ar...
I use the CubeMonitor 1.5 to log and analyze an int32 variable in an STM32L4 controller.I need to get a new value every 500us, so I use a custom sampling frequency of 2000 Hz. For some reason the signal is not sampled reliably in 500us intervals. It ...
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