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Forum Posts

How can i send integer or float values using UART in DMA mode, Model:STM32H745XI-DISCO Board, i dont know why but this is not working...

/* USER CODE BEGIN Header *//** ****************************************************************************** * @file      : main.c * @brief     : Main program body ****************************************************************************** * @at...

UART RX Interrupt timeout

Hi there!I start to use a UART (RS485) with stm32g031f6 , and i use HAL_UART_Transmit_ITHAL_UART_Receive_ITand both works. So now i want implemet an timeout on RX line. I saw the app note 3109 and i have a couple of question:if i use timer input capt...

SGian.1 by Senior
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M93C76RT self-timed programming cycle

Hi there,From testing it's quite jarring to me to discover that after every 16bit write u need to wait ~5ms before the EEPROM will accept after write. After a more detail reading of the manual I found that after SPI write cmd the EEPROM will trigger ...

TLi.7 by Associate II
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can't find CanMsgTypedef in the stm32l4xx_hal_can.h

I am trying to init the can tx and rx, what i see from the tutorial there should be a CanMsgTypedef in the stm32 driver for the specific mcu. now I am using the stm32l4xx_hal_can.h since I am using the stm32l4a6zg mcu that comes with the nucluos 144 ...

YElsh.1 by Associate
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Resolved! I am using an STM32H743 user board with STMCubeIDE. I want to use the internal RTC calendar with the internal clock (LSI). Q: first power on clock start 17:20:00 then time is going. For example, when time is 17:20:50 suddenly I power off the

MX_RTC_Init(); if (HAL_RTCEx_BKUPRead(&hrtc, RTC_BKP_DRX) != 0X2233) { printf(" Set Date and Time \r\n"); SetDateTime(); }void SetDateTime(void) { RTC_TimeTypeDef sTime = { 0 }; RTC_DateTypeDef sDate = { 0 }; /* USER CODE BEGIN Check_RTC_BKUP */ /*...

HAL_Delay not affecting frequency of a Blinking Light

I am new to STM32, and I am using a STM32L152c discovery board to run a sample blinking light program. I am using HAL_Delay to control the frequency of the blinking light. However, the frequency does not change when I change the argument to HAL_Delay...

Splatt by Associate II
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