The application note "AN5276" suggest we measure the antenna parameter at 1MHz.It confuse me that why we could not directly measure it at 13.56MHz.Regards,Albert Tseng
Hi! Ulysses,It's great that the range of demo board could achieved above 10cm.But I would like to know whether the ST25R3911B could also do NFC WLC feature by adding some components. The extra deliever power may destory or limite dynamic range of RF...
Hi! Ulysses,Thank you for your kind response.I also find some interested material as the following picture.It looks we could get above 3 cm range by certain setting.Now our project uses ST25R3915 chip. Would you please give me some hints to extend th...
Hi! Ulysses,I could not realy understand the meaning of table 66 on the data sheet.It seems we could have different setting for this regeister' value.Thank you.Regards,Albert Tseng