How can I send an array of bytes using UART?
I need to send 4 bytes of data (array of 4 bytes) to the PC using UART. How to do this? Thank you
I need to send 4 bytes of data (array of 4 bytes) to the PC using UART. How to do this? Thank you
Hi,Is SDRAM over FMC supported in STM32H743VIT6 MCUs? I can't see this option in CubeMX, only NOR Flash/PSRAM/SRAM/ROM/LCD and NAND Flash. The datasheet says that SDRAM is not supported in LQFP144 packages, but my one is LQFP100.Looking forward for a...
I am new to STM32s programing in general and am trying to create some simple libraries, altough I have no idea how I would make it so that I can write it in a way, that needed ports and pins are given in function inputs. For example: int HCSR04_Dista...
Hello.I am developing with a STM32H7A3.When dealing with local variables or global variables when executing test code on the microcomputer, the processing time when using global variables is about twice as long as when using local variables.Is this p...
Hello, i am using a STM32L0xx series, i just finished my bootloader than can init and jump an application from the specific location in Flash memory, so the only thing left to do is getting bin file (data) from the usart, but how can i send a .bin fi...
Here is what I am trying to Implement. To make the I2C Slave look like a memory to the master. Syntax is one of two cases. For a Write:<Dev Add W><MemAdd MSB><MemAdd LSB><Data0><Data1>...<Data N><Stop>For a Read:<Dev Add W><MemAdd MSB><MemAdd LSB><Re...
Hi, I would like to forward about 2048 bytes via CAN protocol.I am using an STML4 and have implemented a solution in which sending an STM transmits in the following way:void CAN1_Tx(){ CAN_TxHeaderTypeDef TxHeader; uint32_t TxMailbox; uint8_t message...
Hi, I want to transmit the following sequence with DMA, ideally without any interrupt (except once all the data transferred i.e. at the end of the whole operation).I'm talking in I2C with a device that works like that :Send one byte for read request ...
I want to know the ouput level of the pin PA3 wich has a structure as TT_a (3.6 V tolerant I/O)the table provided in the datasheet is a bit tricky to understand. Which are the row that I should consider for the PA3 pin? Cmos or TTL or the others?