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Forum Posts

Updating the firmware on my STM32H745ZI-Q causes CPU2 not to boot and times out in error_handler(). Is there a way to use an older firmware?

I have updated the firmware on my STM32H745ZI-Q and when I run in debug mode the code runs until:while((__HAL_RCC_GET_FLAG(RCC_FLAG_D2CKRDY) != RESET) && (timeout-- > 0)); if ( timeout < 0 ) { Error_Handler(); }The code stops in the error handler.Is ...

KSOdin2 by Associate III
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Resolved! Fails to execute from QSPI Flash but read works

Hi,I have some issues with executing directly from QSPI with a NUCLEO-F412ZG and a connected Winbond W25Q80DV QuadSPI Flash which we are looking into as a workaround for the component shortage (will be a L4 variant but using a F4 for testing).Reading...

HSE oscillator when using USB

The STM32F303xB datasheet states that HSE oscillator should be used when using USB. I suspect it is because of the degraded accuracy of the HSI oscillator at temperature. I've had issues with CAN not working well with HSI at elevated temperature. Doe...

Resolved! Problem in using flash memory of STM32H745

MCU : STM32H745Boot : booting from user main memory(0x08000000 )of flash memory ( boot0 :low)compiler: IAR​I am coding to write in address 0x08060000 of flash memory in Cortex M7 . Cache is enabled, MPU is configured below After at first writing 4444...

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hryu.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! SPI1 SCK Polarity is incorrect.

I have a B-U585I-IOT02A Discovery board, which is connected it to an external ST LSM6DS3 accelerometer via the SPI1 pins on the arduino connector. The issue is that the SCK line is going low when not active even though I have it configured to be hig...

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cBroadbo by Associate II
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Resolved! Two STM32F103C8´s connected by SPI. Master is sending data=3 as test, Slave STM received the data, HAL_SPI_RxCpltCallback is fire, but HAL_SPI_ErrorCallback is fire too, HAL_SPI_GetError=4 (overload)

Hi all.I am trying to connect 2 STM32F103C8 (blue pill board).I run a test using just ONE STM32 using SPI1 as Master and SPI2 as Slave, all configurations were working fine (FullDuplex, Master Transmite. receive only Slave....every test was fine (all...

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ERABALF by Associate III
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SPI using SPI_NSS_HARD_OUTPUT not working

Using a stm32f412zg:I want a simple master / slave full duplex config, using hardware gpio toggle PA4. I believe I am doing the necessary to init it right but 1) problem, the GPIO goest to 0 before the transaction, and never come back up. 2) commenti...

mbristol by Associate II
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