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Resolved! How to measure the power consumption of discovery board?

I am developing a application with STM32F746G discovery board with my sensor, and I reference AN4749 to design a lop-power control flow.But I don't know how to measure/monitor/analyzing the power consumption to make sure whether my design is work or ...

Lfu.11 by Associate II
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Route DMA interrupt signal to PWM timer trigger input

It's a STM32L053R8 (Nucleo64) and i am using a DAC with circular DMA to generate an analog waveform. Now i need to use a PWM timer to generate some digital output signals synchronous to the DMA cycle. Can i use two pins to route the DMA interrupt to ...

DTeuc.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! How can i implement CANOpen protocol on STM32L4R9?

Hi,I'm using the STWIN SensorTile Wireless Industrial Node development board which has a micro Ultra-low-power ARM Cortex-M4 MCU at 120 MHz with FPU, 2048 kbytes Flash memory (STM32L4R9).I need to interface with a device that uses CANopen, is it poss...

JTLGE by Associate II
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ST32F427ZGT6, GDB Debug Fail

Hello.There was an error when debugging.​​​Warning: the current language does not match this frame.set *(int *)0xE000EDFC=*(int *)0xE000EDFC|0x7F0​Temporary breakpoint 1, main () at ../Core/Src/main.c:399399  nl80cdat = F_nl80cdat; ​​Reset_Handler:  ...

수김.1 by Associate
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Hi, I would use PWM Asymmetric mode to create phase shift between two PWM signals on stm32h7. i didn't find application note for this mode for stm32cubemx, could anyone explain it for me please ? duty cycle must be the same for the two signals.Thank 

Resolved! Use BitBand-Adress to feed DMA ?

Hello all, basicly I want to transfer 32bit data bit-wise to a periphal address. Therefore I tried a 200 IQ move and fed the DMA with the bitband adress of the 32Bit data.But the DMA directly sets the error flag. I didn't found a hint in the data she...

FKaes.1 by Associate II
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