I am using an STMF446ZE MCU for a data acquisition + engine control unit application. My application uses four ADS8688's to sample 32 sensors. 28 of them are required to be logged at 100 Hz while the other 8 are to be logged at 2 kHz. I have the 100 ...
So I planned to Control PWM by using PULSE register. so I wrote one function which will modify the Dutycycle by using PULSE register. But on both channel I get the same duty cycle. I want to generate two different duty cycle with high resolution ho...
i am reading GPIO PIN using bool X[n]; X[1] = (GPIOA->IDR >> 1)&1;X[2] = (GPIOA->IDR >> 4)&1;now i want to inverse reading bit because of pull up i am getting inverse output in X[n].exampleX[1] = (GPIOA->IDR >> 1)&1; gives 1 but i want 0How can i ...
I have an STM32F429 custom board that when in product only supports CAN bus.I need to be able to upgrade firmware while in product over CAN bus. I know the bootloader supports this but sadly our custom board has been designed to use different CAN bus...
Hi!Forgive me if this is a simple question:This board comes with two OctoSPI:s of 512Mb and 128 Mb respectively, the latter is using HyperBus. Is the default config. setup using any of these memories as the display's frame buffer or is the internal R...
Hi,I am porting a project from STM32F103RE to STM32L462RE.I have an issue with the SPI slave.My problem is that in the data I send back to the master always has the first word duplicated.I found out that more people have a similar issue:https://comm...
Hi All, I have a start up problem with the STM32L562QEI6.While using the STM32CubeIDE debugger, the code runs fine but without the ST-LINK/V2 connected, the board remains "dead" after applying the power supply.When I manually pull the nRST pin down b...
I have initialise the code in Low layer(No HAL).So now i have config the timer channel as PWM generation output and set clock, ARR,duty cycle as per the requirement. Earlier when I was using HAL, after initialising i can just wrote HAL_TIM_PWM_Start ...