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Hi Team, I need a microcontroller with a baud rate of 230400 At least 44 pins are needed for my application. Suggest to me any low-cost controller for the application as soon as possible.

Associate II
Chief II

The entire STM32 range have UARTs capable of beyond 230400 baud

Likely will need a 64 or 100-pin device to get 44 GPIO, there are also larger parts if you need to bank groups of GPIO pins, or simplify routing.

Low Cost means what? Availability issues have some parts at x5 or x10 over retail

Most everything is likely to have a 40-50 week lead time, perhaps narrow to what you can source and afford?

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Try STM33G0 family.

Hi Team,
But I need a 8 bit microcontroller with these spec.

Probably should have lead with that, not the right forum.

Perhaps have your engineer(s) evaluate what it is you need, and what meets those goals.

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Hi Team,

I need an 8bit controller (Through hole) with a baud rate of 230400 and require a minimum of 30 GPIOS. Kindly suggest me a part suitable for this.

Best Regards,


**Edited by moderation - Please do not share personal info in a public post**

Chief II

You are asking for an 8-bit microcontroller in a STM32 (32-bit) section. Also no memory sizes and package types mentioned. And what's the problem with opening the STM8 web page and at least setting up some filters?

Do people make a lot of MCU in 40 or 48-pin DIP these days?

Surely a lot of these wish items would seem to significantly limit your choices.

Needs 5V ?

Why would it matter is the MCU is 8, 16 or 32-bit ?

Perhaps someone can fab you a board in the form-factor of an old DIP you can use?

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