Hi I'm currently working with a Nucleo board STM32F401RE with the one pulse mode. The one pulse mode enables me to capture a trigger in input and re-deliver it with a controlled delay. The tigger comes from an optical endstop sensor mades up with a i...
STM32F407Why does the fifth pin of port D stay on?Here is the code:RCC->AHB1ENR|=RCC_AHB1ENR_GPIODEN;GPIOD->MODER&=0UL;GPIOD->IDR&=0UL;There are 3 volts on pin 5 of port D (I checked with a multimeter).The IDR register looks like this: IDR: 0000 0...
I would like to know more about the internal temperature sensor. The RM says: Precision: ±1.5 °C. And the Note section says: “The temperature sensor output voltage changes linearly with temperature. The offset of this linear function depends on each ...
STM32F407VGT6Here is my code:#include "main.h"int main(void){RCC->AHB1ENR|=RCC_AHB1ENR_GPIOAEN; while (1) { }}For port A registers (pins 13 and 14) is the configuration done in the IDE? In the code, I did not find the configuration of port A register...
I am having a problem using Timer1 DMA to create a waveform used by one of our peripherals. I have set the timer to count up to 65K with a 1uS tick, and channel 4 as a comparator with a toggle output.I am generating the time between pulses in a tabl...
Hi, I'm trying to connect my STM32F411CEU6 to my laptop by using USB to TTL. The USB to TTL I use is FTDI FT232RL module, and I connect my STM to my FT232RL like these following (FT232RL -> STM32):VCC -> 5VGND -> GNDTX -> PB7RX -> PB6Then, I connect...
I'm OEM, I bought materials such as component and IC base on my customer's gerber file, BOM and manufacture PCBA or finished products for them. recently one of my customer's products needs STM32F407ZET6. first phase, 50pcs of PCBA no problom, second ...
Hello, i work with STM32F407ZG MCU, i need to place functions in RAM and CCMRAM sections. Placement of functions in RAM is correct, but they take longer than in flash. If I place functions in CCMRAM, then when I call the function, I get an error Hard...