2022-08-04 2:59 AM
Do you know of https://community.st.com/s/group/0F90X0000007uqASAQ/feedback-on-the-stcom-website ? No? I though so.
It can't be found in the list of "Groups" in the menu here; and it appears that ST removed "website feedback" from st.com pages (or I can't find it) which used to point to that "group".
So, there's no place where users can complain on the state of st.com, anymore.
I mean, it's only partially OT here. The record turnover/profit is temporary, bad times will follow as usually. If visitors of st.com are deterred by its dismal state, they will look for parts elsewere (and they do, for other reasons, too, but that's for another topic). If ST as a whole fails, there will be no STM32 to discuss anymore.
It's probably only us, the real end users, who really understand why st.com as it is now is bad. And, neglected, it will get worse.
2022-08-04 6:10 AM
But Jan, the website is pretty, and all the colours and themes are clean and consistent across the entire site.
2022-09-11 2:29 PM
The file extension is ".svg", but in reality the file is a PNG image.
The file extension is ".jpg", but in reality the file is a WebP image. Also it is compressed in WebP lossy mode, when a PNG or WebP lossless mode would provide and non-distorted image and even smaller file size.