Sorry for not explaining well, my english is not very good but what i am trying to do is a sum of two signals. I have write a simple code . I have the violet signal in PE9 and the light blue signal in PB0. I am trying to do the sum of this pins and m...
I am using the stm32h745ziq-nucleo board. I want to invert the pwm pulse .could you please help me by sending the related code snippet to do this.Thanks &Regardssm
We have used the I2S and DMA function.
Two CANs on the same board. Can I connect CAN1TX to CAN2RX and CAN1RX to CAN2TX?
I had a problem using this API HAL_I2C_Slave_Receive_IT(&hi2c1, buff, 100) in case i send 20 bytes for example wich is a corrupted frame for me (i am waiting for 100 bytes) then i2c driver will stack this 20 bytes and it does not free them wich in a ...
I'm using an STM32F401CCU6 microcontroller and am trying to generate a timer interrupt of 10 us with TIMER3.The timer is a update event timer. The formula I'm using is:Update_event = TIx_CLK/((PSC + 1)*(ARR + 1))Below, I've given my clock configurati...
I have a STM32F4 microcontroller and want to combine two analog signals into one "combined digital output signal", which have sum of the 2 signals.if i have two analog outputs PE11 and PE13 that will be my inputs of or gate:HOW CAN I MAKE PE12 + PE1...