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Forum Posts

Delay between UART TX frames at high speed

I am sending a fixed-sized buffer (512 byte) at 8 Mbits/s via UART out of an STM32F3, and I am experiencing what it seems to be a fixed delay (~ 2-3 bit periods) between consecutive frames. In the screenshot below, after sending the dummy value 01010...

LucaP by Associate II
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What can cause an ADC calibration fails?

We are starting (difficultly due to the lack of devices) the pre-production of our system built around an STM32 H743VIT, and, on already two systems (out of about 50), we have failures initializing ADC 2. For the first one, replacing the MCU was succ...

JLojo by Associate III
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Driving TIM21 from 32KHz clock?

I've got a STM32L053 (on a Nucleo-Lo53R8). I'd like to drive TIM21 from the 32KHz clock, and gang it with TIM22 to form a 32 bit counter. But I'm confused on a few points.First question: how to drive TIM21 from 32KHz? The documents (RCC chapter, 7.2....

Resolved! HRTIM register update with Burst DMA doesn't work properly

The problem is as follows: When I am trying to update HRTIM master timer registers (MPER, MCMP1-4) on the STM32G474 via Burst DMA access, every data word I write into the BDMADR register gets written into two of the specified master timer registers. ...

DDPS.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! F407 Transmits Garbage values after the message via SPI

I was working on a simple SPI transmit code, I am transmitting some string data via SPI Half duplex, the code is like I press blue button on the discovery board, and it transmits data, which I read from logic analyzer, but every time after data is tr...

0693W00000QKJv5QAH.png 0693W00000QKJv0QAH.png
Geetansh by Associate II
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HAL_I2C_Mem_Read_IT() blocks MCU!

The function is supposed to read the I2C in non-blocking mode.However - quite often - it blocks the MCU for like 2 seconds!As I need to read an I2C in time critical part of my program, this breaks everything.I investigated the function source and I f...

HTD by Senior III
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I have read a book on stm32, and inside the timer topic, it is stated that a formula to determine the values to be loaded to generate interrupt at specified times which as below:My question is does this formula applicable for all stm32 timers? and an...

WM_IR by Senior
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