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Need Target name for Mbed Studio Desktop program please

For the Mbed Studio Desktop program, I need Target name for the STM32F429I-DISC1.At present Mbed program has Target name only DISCO-F429ZI (S/N: 066AFF5...71658...I need to develop C++ programs using Mbed Studio Desktop program using 32F429I Discover...

SamJ1 by Associate II
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Error message tells me No source available for "__do_global_dtors_aux() at 0x80001ac". I can't seem to solve this problem, does anyone have any ideas?

Hello, I want to write/read on the flash memory. For that I made a small program (attached). My program works on Keil5 but when I switch to Atollic TrueStudio when I want to debug an error message tells me No source available for "__do_global_dtors_a...

EVesi.1 by Associate
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Resolved! Why does the fifth pin of port D stay on?

STM32F407Why does the fifth pin of port D stay on?Here is the code:RCC->AHB1ENR|=RCC_AHB1ENR_GPIODEN;GPIOD->MODER&=0UL;GPIOD->IDR&=0UL;There are 3 volts on pin 5 of port D (I checked with a multimeter).The IDR register looks like this: IDR: 0000 0...

MMust.5 by Senior II
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