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need help understanding Vref / Vdda

I'm trying to find what voltage reference my ADC is using, as it is not going up to 0xFFF. Along the line, I have become quite confused about the Vref - I used to use other chips where the Vref is just a reference voltage for the ADC, but with STM32 ...

deep_rune by Associate III
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STM32F446 does not receive SPDIF data

Hi,I'm trying to use a STM32F446 to receive some SPDIF-data. There are no complicated things to be done with the received data, just a few simple calculations. Unfortunately I do not receive anything at the moment.I have configured the SPDIF-interfac...

HMüll.4 by Associate III
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How to disable/MASK an exti line?

Try to implement an atomtic operation to avoid a specific interrupt generated by GPIOB GPIO_PIN_8 . If using the code as below, it works.​HAL_NVIC_DisableIRQ(EXTI9_5_IRQn); ​//atomtic operation​HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(EXTI9_5_IRQn); ​But tried the code as...

BZhu.4 by Associate II
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stm32f407 - Question of i2s clock frequency

Hi, I'd like to play music through i2s interface using external audio codec.Refer to "STM32F4xx Reference Manual", Below setting is needed if MCLK is enabled on 48Khz FS.PLLI2SN : 258 PLLI2SR : 3 I2SDIV : 3I2SODD : 1After I configured above, BCLK and...

SJoo.1 by Associate II
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STM32L152VDT6 extreme current draw on power-up

I have a design in which I am using an STM32L152VDT6 processor. The first prototype boards arrived, and one of the first things I noticed was that there was a resistance of 120 ohms between VCC and GND. I knew something had to be wrong at that point....

Bolan69 by Associate II
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