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STM32l476 boot inquiry

Hello,The STM32L476 MCU is not booting, and it seems to be stuck at address 0x08000228, as shown in the attached image. It used to boot and work correctly before.At some point, it stopped booting and no longer functions as expected. What could be the...

ksd4692 by Associate II
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STM32F401 Interpreting DMA data over serial

Hi all,I am pretty new to ST so bear with me.The controller is reading in voltage values into the ADC and sending to PC over serial withCDC_Transmit_FS((uint8_t*), buffer, buffer_length)I'm getting the data stream, but the values as read in python fo...

STM32F401CCU6 Crashes in empty while loop.

HelloI am testing new MCU's. I have a ST-Link V2 and using a STM32F401CCU6.At the start I had a simple LED flasher application however after I could not run it I started stripping everything out.This is when I saw that I can actually not even run an ...

STM32Issue1.png STM32Issue2.png
table by Associate II
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Resolved! CAN1 RX issue

Hi I am using STM32F407 evb in which I have configured both CAN1 and CAN2 ,I am sendind CAN1(3 ids 501,502,503) and vice versa from CAN2 same I am sending but I am ble to recive all three id on CAN2 Rx but only one ID iam receving on CAN1(501) .I am ...

Ash1 by Associate III
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STMF32F401RE with IHM04A1

I am working with STM32F401RE and IHM04A1 driver board. There is timer1 channel 3 in EN-A (PA10) for IN1A and IN2A. However, there is no timer channel in EN-B which should be used for IN1B and IN2B. What should I do for the timer in EN-B, that is, PC...

aknaydn by Associate
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