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Forum Posts

My STM32F103C8T6 won't enter programming mode.

Hi!I'm a newbie to all of this. I purchased an STM32F1038C8T6 development board or "Blue Pill" recently.I connected it to my PC Windows Using a Usart to serial converter.I read that I should put one of the BOOT Jumpers in the one position to enter pr...

KAyou by Associate II
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ADC DMA data order sometimes is wrong STM32F303RBT6

I may have seen other posts discussing this topic, but neither of them helped with this. Does the ADC in the buffer we send to the DMA put the data in order? or is some bug in the code? I'm reading for 3 analog values and sometimes, it works correspo...

Hot to get the time a input is high

Hi all,i am new to the STM32-stuff and i have little project. Actually i need a tool to test camera shutters from 30s to 1/8000s. I have desiged a kind of sensor board in Kicad. I link to use two sensor for horizontal traveling shutter and two for ve...