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Forum Posts

keil v5: assign member variables when creating C++ class object go wrong, after new operator all assignments are not what I set.

​after executing constructors:m_Handle and bbb both with int type are not what I write, it seem it's memory alignment problem but all related class has 32bits int type member variables.And I define g_pointer=(int*)m_Handle, the address  g_pointer sav...

0693W00000VOrhKQAT.png 0693W00000VOrhUQAT.png

Timer PWM: Get State of PWM

Hello,I am planning to use the PWM feature in the timer (PWM Generation CH1). I want to send that PWM signal to an external device and am doing preliminary testing on the code. This PWM duty cycle changes based on the press of a button. I want to ver...

KMew by Senior III
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