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Forum Posts

Not Blinking Ld3 anymore

I use STM32GO1291. when I was debugging I got an error (its picture attached in below ) also my LD3 is not blinking anymore. is microcontroller damaged or there is some other things wrong? why it isn't blinking anymore when I plug!

MFara.4 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32F429ZI NUCLEO board that supports 6 SPI interfaces

I'm looking for an ARM based MCU that will handle IC configuration on a board in development. Really just need a full breakout for bench testing. I need it to handle at least 6 SPI lines. Comparing available NUCLEO boards to product selector I found ...

RMas by Associate II
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Resolved! Disabling memory Read Protection failed

Hello, we have boards with the MCU STM32F746. This works normally but in two cases we had a problem with the option bytes. Several values were changed and now we can't remove the protection.The first board we tried several times to change level prote...

GYacc by Associate II
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RAM code while erasing flash

Hi all,I'm trying to execute some code in interrupt mode (blinking a LED) while the MCU (STM32H725) is erasing a flash sector (obviously that is not used by the application). I've moved the vector table to RAM (0x240000000) and also the ISR function,...