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Adjusting the register values below seems to adjust the time at which data is written to the buffer. I understood that the value is similar to Data Sampling frequency.If i set the value to 6, about 1900 data per second will be written to the buffer.I...
Hi, I want to receive data coming from the sensor without loss.For the testing, sampling rate is set to 32Hz.26667(ODR) / 800 = 32hzif set like this, 32 data per second will be accumulated in the buffer.and CNT_BDR_THR was set to 100.also, FIFO_MODE ...
Hi,I want to set the raw data to around 2k bandwidth and receive all data through FIFO.From what I understand, to set it to 2k bandwidth-Bandwidth ODR/4 = 2.6kHz, HPCF_XL = 0, LPF2_XL_EN =1-FIFO_CTRL3 BDR_XL = 0b1010 ( 26667Hz ) And at this time, if ...
I am using the IIS3DWB sensor and have a question about reading data from the FIFO.Currently, I use the following function to retrieve one set of x, y, z values at a time:int32_t iis3dwb_fifo_out_raw_get(stmdev_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *buff){int32_t ret;...
I am using STM32H503.I want to receive only incoming ids as 0x222 using masking .If set like the code below, IDs other than 0x222 are also entered into the rx callback function. Is there something wrong with the masking process?FDCAN_FilterTypeDef sF...
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