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Forum Posts

STM32F103 SPI DMA receive not receiving

I have an STM32F103 (blue pill) connected to an NRF24L01. I have the interrupt from the NRF triggering an external interrupt, and I'm reading 16 bytes in to the STM32 using polling. All of that works dandy, but I would very much like to interrupt, ...

joe2399 by Associate II
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dynamically dead time

HelloI created pwm as "TIM1 Channel1 PWM Generation CH1 CH1N" in a project where I use STM32F103C8T6 MCU.My problem is that I couldn't find how to dynamically change the dead-time I set for pwm CH1 CH1N using the HAL library.I will be glad if you hel...

AKULC.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! EEPROM Write Goes to Hard Fault

Hi,I'm trying save some data into EEPROM after successful storage of first byte for second byte it goes to hard fault irq. Can anyone help me out from this issuevoid Save_data(float Data) { char Buff[15];unsigned long Address=0x08080000; sprintf(Bu...

STM32L031 Can't unlock flash

Hey,I’m using a nucleo board: SMT32L031K6.I’m trying to make a simple bootloader but I’m struggling at unlocking the flash. In the reference manual it states that I must perform an unlocking sequence, but I haven’t been able to do it successfully. Wh...

MSvra.1 by Associate
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