STM32L562I have the IWDG set up to fire 4 seconds if no HAL_IWDG_Refresh(&hiwdg) is executed.Very occasionally, a lockup condition occurs.But the STM32 does not reset.Moreover, grounding the nRST pin does not reset the STM32Scoping the nRST pin, i ca...
Red, or blue?The difference is, that in the case of red, the comparator output could be used to detect both edges by redirecting to 2nd timer channel (a.k.a. "PWM input mode").And, in any of these cases, the original input is ORed with the comparator...
I have 2 different mini thermal printers with RS-232 TTL interfaces. Different manufacturers, but I suspect the interface is identical or very similar. Both manufacturers state TTL interface.On the other side I have STM32 MCU with 1 free SPI.My limit...
Hello,The COMParator have option of connection him output to TIMer IC.But timer IC is after edge detection unit.How can I connect the output of COMPx to TIMx in input capture mod (internaly)?
Hi, I’m new to STM32.With STM32F730R8T6 MCU;I want to see the data using CAN protocol and UART protocol while sending data using UART protocol.At the same time, I want to see the data using CAN protocol and UART protocol while sending data using I2C ...
I faced strange behavior on STM32L431CC. I was trying to sequentially add data to archive and at some point the CPU failed to program 8 bytes at address 0x8032018 (8 byte aligned) and at address 0x8034100. I read data from the memory and it is clear ...