Enabling any interrupt at the initialization triggers the WWDG_IRQHandler when watchdog timer doesn't even configured in the code whereas excluding bootloader fw doesn't seem to cause any issues, code runs fine. In the bootloader fw, I haven't config...
I am using the NUCLEO-C031C6 dev board and I seem to be having many difficulties. I am trying to do a printf() or use a sprintf() method to print a float number to the serial port. I noticed that this controller device(STM32C031C6T6) does not have a...
Dear ST community Hello,I want to use the gyro-meter on the the STM32F discovery board and communicate on SPI,I am using the default configuration with cubeIDE and I have a question in Cude Mx graphical interface.After generating the code using Cube ...
I wanted to use a standard library (CMSIS-DSP) WITH stm32f103c8t6 and I only used a few functions & variables of that library, but it's like the whole library has been added to my project.And it takes a lot of memory, but now I have an error of lack ...
The code below links Timer1 in master mode to Timer3 in slave mode producing a 4 second toggle on PB8 and it works correctly.My question is I'm not able to follow the flow of the signal in the Timer chart below the code.If someone would show me the s...
Hello,I am having some problems with Timer Capture/PWM InputThe target device will be an STM32F091CC, however my test device for this function is an STM32F030K6I'm trying to input 3 different PWM devices but I have limited access to certain pins as t...
We are using two of the ADCs (ADC1 and ADC2) on the STM32g484 and have encountered massive resolution problems. The final goal is to convert two values per ADC and to operate the two ADC converters in coupled mode in combination with the DMA.Both wit...
I am trying to implement a virtual EEPROM on an STM32G0B1 Some simple implementations exist but i rather use the formal ST as described in:https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/x-cube-eeprom.html#My question, what are the guidelines for the START_P...