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Forum Posts

STM32U5 ADC1 bulb sampling multiple channels

Hello,I am using ADC1 on STM32U5 to sample two channels periodically using the DMA and a TIM6 trigger. I am doing this in bulb mode since I would like for the ADC capacitor to charge for the entire duration.I had thought that the ADC would sample th...

F746 DMA from sdram to SPI

Is it possible to set transfer from sdram to SPI. I have set all necessary MPU regions and FMC is configured properly. When I use this with LTDC, it works fine.(not using standard DMA for that).But, when I try to send from 0xC0000000 to SPI, DMA1.str...

Gossamer by Associate II
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Memory flash issue - read status register getting 0xff

Hi Experts,I'm working with the MCU "STM32F427VIT6" and the flash memory "GD25B16ETIGR" and I have a problem when I try to read the "read status register (05h)" I get 0xFF. However I know I have no problem on the SPI connection because I can read the...

TVela.1 by Associate III
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Hi, I am using stm32f769Ni evk for a project. Here I am interfacing stm32 with a wifi module using spi dma . The communication fails during reception with HAL_SPI_ERROR_DMA after  /* Enable the Tx DMA Stream/Channel */ if (HAL_OK != HAL_DMA_Start_IT(...

Rtomy.1 by Associate II
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UDP Data Lost Issue

Hi,We're building our system based on STM32F407 with AZure Threadx + NetxDUO. One of the scenarios is as below:1) One 250 HZ task is responsible for sampling on 6 sensors connecting to 3 I2C.2) One UDP thread is receiving command from PC with 250HZ.3...

XLei.3 by Associate II
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