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Forum Posts

STM32H7 ADCs with DMA when D-Cache enabled

Dear all,I am trying to configure ADC1, ADC2 (ADC1 and ADC2 in multimode) and ADC3 running simultaneously with DMA.I have a running code for STM32F7 series and I assumed that I could use DMA in the same manner but DMA cannot store data taken from ADC...

TA1 by Associate III
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First time programming a stm 32 - key matrix

Hello all!I'm in the process of designing my first full custom sim racing steering wheel. I have designed and ordered a pcb with a stm32f103cbt6 mcu. The pcb works good (so far) and i have it connected to my pc via a swd clone st link debugger. I am ...

JLoes.1 by Associate
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Does the STM32CubeIDE have a truncate function?

I am working with a Nucleo-L476RG board, and I am writing a program that generates HMAC-SHA-256 values. I want to truncate the output of the generated HMAC value to only output n amount of bits. For example, if my generated HMAC value is 80 bits, I w...

stmmm by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F7 Memory map in AN4839

We have a question about the memory map in section 3.1 of AN4839. The note states that "by default the MPU is disabled and that in this case the memory map is defined as the default address map".Immediately under this statement is a table with a memo...

Nevyn by Associate II
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