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I'm attempting to bring up a project on a Nucleo-H755 board using only the CM4 core (the CM7's boot is disabled). I have proved out that the ADC works as expected with polling and interrupts, but I can't get DMAs to function.I found and reviewed the ...
I'm attempting to set up a CI pipeline to build firmware built in STM32CubeIDE, but I've not been able to get STM32CubeIDE installed via Dockerfile without manual intervention. Is there a silent install or a way to pre-accept the license agreements s...
I'm attempting to use the serial bootloader to load a secure firmware image to an STM32L5 using STM32CubeProgrammer. I can successfully connect to the board in bootloader mode and perform a full-chip erase, but attempting to download the image (eithe...
The STM32L5 reference manual states that there are "4 Kbytes of option bytes for user configuration" accessible via the Flash register interface (section 6.3.1), but no further details are provided on how to access that space for user data storage.I ...
I'm attempting to switch to single-bank flash mode on an STM32L562ZET6Q (512k Flash), but so far I've been unable to get the Flash OPTR to operate as the reference manual claims.I used the normal process for modifying the OPTR: HAL_FLASH_Unloc...