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Forum Posts

Capture egdedirection on input capture with dma

Hello,i am using the STM32F410CBUx and want to detect rising and falling edges with the Timer 5.I get these values with the help of the DMA because the signal edges are close together and i need accurate meassurments. The edges occure all in a short ...

PDieh.1 by Associate III
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How to use an external signal to trigger ADC on H755ZI?

 Hello,As the title says, I need to use the ADC's external trigger designator pin to trigger the transition. I have done the necessary steps on Cubemx but my code still cannot work.Looking forward to hearing from the forum.Thanks,HAILV /* USER CODE E...

Ruồi by Associate III
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Resolved! Error in UM2861

at page 26 :"The X3 crystal has the following characteristics: 32.768 kHz"it should be X2 instead of X3

nicolas by Senior
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Resolved! STM32G030K6T6 with PWM

Hi,I'm trying to configure the PWm with STM32G030K6T6. But pwm is not generate.below I given my code and i don't know where i made a mistake if any one know help me.RCC->IOPENR |= (RCC_IOPENR_GPIOAEN); // I/O port A clock enable GPIOA->MODER &= ~(...

Resolved! When downloading FW on the stm32L476ZGT EVAL,

When downloading FW on the stm32L476ZGT EVAL by using CubeIDE1.10.1ver, I faced with Error: Failed to download Segment[0], Error: Failed to download the File...,How can I solve these problems? Even I didn't write any code in there. Following is my Co...

Jlee.16 by Associate
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How Best To Buffer/Receive This UART Data?

I need to receive a six-byte packet via the UART (using an STM32L010F4). There is a SOF and an EOF byte included in these six bytes. There could be long stretches when no data is sent, followed by a stream of these six-byte packets that are 5mS apart...

nobbyv77 by Associate II
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