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Hi,I have a STM32U575 connected to an external HW watchdog which needs to be periodically fed (with a 100 ms timeout) with an SPI command from the MCU (2 bytes), and i would like to achieve this without CPU intervention (or as little as possible).Her...
Hi, we're transitioning our platform from a STM32F412 to a STM32U575, and in our project we are currently using the X-CUBE-STL libraries to perform runtime safety monitoring functions.It seems that the package does not yet support the STM32U5 family....
Hi, we're having some issues while trying to connect a STM32F030C6 to the Stm32CubeProgrammer via USB, through the embedded STM32 Bootloader.Using the same working sample of one of our devices, we perform several connection tests on different Windows...
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